Culture transformation programs
Increased Performance
Companies in Malaysia are undergoing a very exciting time in terms of meeting the ever exacting customer demands and fiercely changing competitive marketplace.
As such, to address the human factor and at the same time meet the needs of the times, Learning Edge has designed a program that will allow participants to experience high performance values, and thus create a culture of high performance, enhance the alignment between staff and also improve morale, motivation and communication skills.
Through this program, the emphasis will be understanding, experiencing and displaying high performance values consistent with the company vision to create a team that is aligned and displaying results.
The aim, therefore, is to create a culture where staff live the high performance values consistent with vision of the company. Our Pre and Post Program Survey reveals that performance has improved by 25% after running our Culture Transformation Programs.
The Program can also be supported by various corporate communication materials such as a Corporate Video, Corporate Song, Posters, Logo’s and Icon’s through the work of a professional design team.
Introduction Session
Don’t just paste your organisational values on a poster and let it go to waste. Create a Buzz by having a high impact 2- 3 hour concert style launch/seminar of your organisation’s values. Our approach has proven to energise the organisation about the company values instantaneously.
After the launch is done, get one-third of your organisation to attend a 3 day 2 night program in batches of 30 – 50 persons per group in the shortest time possible and watch the excitement grow exponentially. This is sometimes known as the critical mass needed to move an organisation to form it’s desired culture.
Learning Edge will transform the values of the organisation into experiential simulations thereby allowing participants to internalise the values of the organisation on a personal basis and creating the one third critical mass of the organisation to act as a catalyst for the Organisation to adopt and resonate the values of the organisation and thereby bringing the Company Vision to Life.
Champion Change
Don’t just stop there. Research has shown that constant engineering is needed for a culture to form much like a religious organisation. For the participants who have internalised the values, Learning Edge will then coach a select few to be changed ambassadors, equipping them with tools to motivate and energise others to keep the fire burning in the organisation for years to come.
Post Program Survey
After it’s all done, conduct a post program survey and measure the changes. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Our Surveys will reveal critical next steps to ensure the organisation takes the correct steps at the correct time.
Combination of mini lectures, indoor games, video presentation, group & individual challenges. The program will translate values into simulations which will allow participants to experience the values and more importantly why it is useful as a daily habit.