EUREKA! defines creativity, how to get it and how to use it at work and in everyday life. It surveys both the areas of linear as well as lateral thinking involving structured and intuitive thinking patterns.
The tools will involve participants in activities that stimulate thinking. EUREKA! Will also include latest research on the science of whole brain thinking. The program will change participants’ beliefs that creativity can be nurtured given the right tools and structure.
Skill building, group discussions, brainstorming, simulations, lectures, games and problem solving activities
For Whom:
EUREKA is specifically targeted at those who are searching for new ways to tap into their personal and team potentials
Class Size:
20 – 25 persons
3 days
EUREKA explains what creativity is, how to get it and how to use it in the work environment and in everyday life situations. It surveys both the areas of linear as well as lateral thinking involving structured as well as intuitive thinking patterns.
The tools used will involve participants in various activities that stimulate thinking coupled with lessons designed to see the potential of each individual. Besides individual thinking, EUREKA will also handle group creativity.
- How to gain a creative mindset
- Changing the Mindset
- Mind Mapping and its applications
- Using the Six Minds
- S.C.A.M.P.E.R
- Idea box & Ideatoon
- Creative Problem Solving
- Use Mind-Mapping, Idea box, Idea-toon, Six Mental Games and a host of other creative techniques
- Apply lateral methods in creativity
- Change self-perception in the areas of creativity
- Consolidate various methods of creative thinking in the workplace